COVID-19 Return to Work Safely Compliance

The Irish Government (along with HSA and HSE) issued the Return to Work Protocol on 8th May 2020 which requires businesses to implement some measures when reopening their workplaces, to continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These include:

  • Employers must develop a COVID-19 Response Plan
  • Employers must complete a COVID-19 Risk Assessment.
  • Employers must create a Pre-Return to Work Form for employees
  • Employers must nominate a Worker Representative
  • Employers must deliver COVID-19 Return to Work Training to all employees

Cater Care can help you ensure your workplace is compliant with the COVID-19 Return to Work Safely Protocol by providing you with our Return to Work Safely Package.

Free Consultation!

Email, call our office at 061 469008 or Sinead Fox at 086 3227069.

Return to Work Online Training Module from €79 per employee

As part ensuring your business is compliant with the Government’s “Return to Work Safely Protocol”, you will need to provide Return to Work Safely training to all staff in advance of their return to work.

You may have created a COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Response Plan for your workplace but need help in creating and delivering a Training Module to your staff. Our Return to Work Safely Training Module ensures you are compliant with this requirement.

Your employees can complete the training online in advance of returning to work and you will be notified once this is completed by your employees. Alternatively, we can provide you with the Training Module to deliver to employees yourself.

To arrange your Employee Training or find out more, email, call our office at 061 469008 or Sinead Fox at 086 3227069, or fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Find out more

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