COVID-19 Return to Work Safely: For your Back to Work Compliance and Employee Training Consultation, click here


The experienced Training Team at Cater Care deliver an extensive range of training programmes to meet the requirements of food business operators and persons seeking work within a food operation today. We continuously develop new training programmes to meet the demands of the industry and legislation.

We provide Training solutions onsite, online (Food Safety eLearning Courses) and at convenient locations throughout Ireland.

Cater Care is a licensed trainer with the Food Safety Professionals Association.

Cater Care is proud to have been the first education and training provider to have its quality assurance procedures approved and programmes validated by QQI under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.

To discuss your training needs, call us on 061469008 or check out our upcoming training courses below.

Book Training Now!

To discuss your training needs, call us on +353 61 469008 or check out our upcoming training courses below.

On Site Training Copy

Cater Care has been providing on-site and in-house training solutions for our clients for 21 years. Following a Training Needs Analysis we will develop a Training Plan for you. We will visit your premises and deliver training to your staff. The benefit of this training method is that the material can be tailored to the duties and work practices of your business, making it site-specific.

All of our training courses can be delivered on-site at your business, anywhere in Ireland or the UK.

On-site training is particularly suitable for a new business where staff require training in a short time period, for staff who require a refresher in safe food practices, or in a business where a compliance issue has been identified and a particular topic needs to be addressed.

Enquire about this Training

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