
Cater Care is Ireland’s leading Food Safety Compliance Consultancy. Partnering with our clients in the food industry, we ensure the highest standards of food safety are met, through professionalism, co-operation and integrity.

Our expert, industry-qualified staff achieve this through customer-focused systems and plans, accredited training courses, a partnership approach to working with our clients, and above all a passion for delivering the highest standards of Food Safety in Ireland.

Enquire about Consultancy!

To discuss your training needs, call us on +353 61 469008 or check out our upcoming training courses below.

Food Safety Auditing

Our team of Food Safety Auditors conduct a thorough audit of Food Safety within your food premises to provide businesses with an honest viewpoint of their Food Safety standard.

The scope of the audit will entail:

  • An on-site visit
  • A review of operational and structural aspects of the food business
  • A review of the existing food safety management system and related documentation
  • An analysis Allergen Management, traceability and verification procedures
  • Look at staff personal hygiene standards and welfare facilities
  • Communicate with staff regarding Food Safety and advise on training requirements

The audit information is input electronically on our auditing app and a full report of non-conformances, including photographs and suggested corrective actions, is generated and provided. To ensure audit closure we advise that a corrective action report is completed and returned to the auditor.

Request a call back!

For more information on training or consultancy for your business, fill in the form and we will give you a call!